phone number (+375 1651) 2-00-80; (+375 1651) 2-00-93
Reception: (+375 1651) 2-00-91
Fax: (+375 1651) 2-00-91
Manages the agro-industrial complex and the processing of agricultural products. Organizes work with senior staff in the field of activity.
Supervises issues:
- production of agricultural products;
- providing the population with food;
- supplies of agricultural products and raw materials for republican state needs;
- development and financial rehabilitation of organizations of the agro-industrial complex;
- forestry;
- use of land resources;
- environmental protection;
- timely payment of wages in supervised industries;
- implementation of social standards for servicing the population of the Maloritskiy district in the supervised industries;
- leasing of fishing and hunting grounds;
- activities of horticultural associations.
Coordinates activities:
- Savushkino Agricultural Unitary Enterprise;
- agricultural unitary enterprise "Khotislavsky";
- agricultural republican subsidiary of the unitary enterprise "Radezhskoye" transport Republican unitary enterprise "Brest branch of the Belarusian Railway";
- Doropeevichi Agricultural Production Cooperative;
- Open Joint Stock Company "Krasny Partizan";
- Open Joint Stock Company "Chernyany";
- Open Joint Stock Company "Mokran";
- open Joint Stock Company "Orekhovo";
- open Joint Stock Company "Gvoznitsa";
- State forestry institution "Maloritskiy forestry";
- state Unitary production enterprise "Maloritskoe PMS";
- institutions "Maloritskaya district veterinary station";
- breeding station in the Maloritskiy district of the republican agricultural unitary enterprise "Brestplemprise";
- Maloritskaya District Inspectorate of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection;
- Maloritskaya District State Inspection for Seed Production, Quarantine and Plant Protection;
- The Malorite Bureau of the Kobrin branch of the Republican unitary enterprise "Brest Agency for State Registration and Land Cadastre" in terms of registration of lands and agricultural facilities;
- the regional organization of the Belarusian Professional Union of workers of the agro-industrial complex;
- institutions "Maloritskaya district organizational structure" of the Republican state-public association "Belarusian Society of Hunters and Fishermen";
- settlement and cash center of the branch of the open joint stock company "Belagroprombank" - Brest Regional Administration;
- Maloritskiy district agro-industrial Union;
- monitoring compliance with legislation in the field of safety (including fire and industrial) in subordinate organizations.
- the commission for the certification of employees of the Department of Agriculture and Food of the district Executive committee;
- the competition commission for the formation of the personnel reserve of the district executive committee;
- the commission for consideration of acts of inspection of sown areas of agricultural crops submitted by organizations producing agricultural crops and organizations, if necessary, a sample survey of sown areas;
- the commission for the preparation of materials for the consideration of land disputes;
- the Commission for the inventory of reclamation systems and separately located hydraulic structures;
- a working group for monitoring the restoration of order at facilities and adjacent territories in subordinate organizations;
- a permanent commission to consider the issues of removal and transplantation of flora objects on agricultural lands.
Carries out general control over the fulfillment of requirements:
- Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus No. 5 dated December 15, 2014 "On strengthening requirements for senior personnel and employees of organizations";
- Directives of the President of the Republic of Belarus No. 1 dated March 11, 2004 "On measures to strengthen public safety and discipline";
- Directives of the President of the Republic of Belarus No. 2 dated December 27, 2006 "On the de-bureaucratization of the State apparatus and improving the quality of life support for the population";
- Directives of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated June 14, 2007 No. 3 "On priority areas for strengthening the economic security of the State";
- Directives of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated March 4, 2019 No. 6 "On rural development and improving the efficiency of the agricultural sector".
Provides general guidance on the implementation of:
- The State program "Agrarian Business" for 2021-2025, approved by Resolution No. 59 of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus dated February 1, 2021;
- The State program "Environmental Protection and Sustainable Use of Natural Resources" for 2021-2025, approved by Resolution No. 99 of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus dated February 19, 2021;
- The State program "Belarusian Forest" for 2021-2025, approved by Resolution No. 52 of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus dated January 28, 2021;
- The State program "Land and Property Relations, geodetic and cartographic activities" for 2021-2025, approved by Resolution No. 55 of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus dated January 29, 2021.
Carries out the management of activities:
- Department of Agriculture and Food of the district Executive Committee;
- Department of land management of the district executive committee